Meaning of I Ching 64 Hexagram

Hexagram 1: The Creative

Qián 乾为天
Qián 乾为天

Formed by trigrams Heaven over Heaven.

The Creative Qian is the image of Heaven and a symbol of pure Yang energy. It represents both strength and determination. It is creative and active, perpetually flowing and never stopping.

This image represents a powerful dragon; one to be respected. It also symbolizes a strong leader with great substance and authority.

It’s a very favourable time because everything goes your way. You are proceeding in the right direction at the right time. Others will look to you for confident leadership and you will benefit from them in return. Success is assured if your motives are earnest.

Hexagram 2: The Receptive

Kūn 坤为地
Kūn 坤为地

Formed by Trigrams Earth over Earth.

The Receptive Kun signifies Earth and it’s the purest form of Yin energy. It literally means “mother.” Earth embodies the attributes of femininity and motherhood. Kun also refers to passive rather than active, and dark as opposed to light.

This hexagram favors those in supporting roles; it portrays the role of follower rather than a leader.

You are in the early stages of a new condition that needs to be carefully nurtured in order to flourish. It is not a time to push forward without consultation. If you can develop a clear idea of your position, you have the potential to achieve great success.

Hexagram 3: Difficulty in the Beginning

水雷屯 Tún
水雷屯 Tún

Formed by Trigrams Water over Thunder.

A new situation is arising and the unknown lies ahead. The initial confusion and discomfort you face can be overcome by persistent efforts.

With the advice of someone more experienced in the field, you can walk through the difficult moment with ease. Do not hold back from asking for help due to your pride. Be patient when seeking mentorship.

Advance with caution initially. Do not press the matter and avoid moving forward recklessly. This will bring you ultimate success. 

Hexagram 4: Youthful Folly

山水蒙 Méng
山水蒙 Méng

Formed by Trigrams Mountain over Water.

There are two meanings here. The first one indicates that you have asked the same question too many times to deserve any further  answers. You are not sincere in asking and the oracle can only answer correctly the first time only.

The second meaning suggests that you have much to learn from the experienced if you want success. Be wary of being overly ambitious and be more realistic. Seeking instruction like a curious child will bring you good fortune.

Hexagram 5: Waiting with Patience

水天需 Xū
水天需 Xū

Formed by Trigrams Water over Heaven.

Some outcomes simply take time. They cannot be hurried. Attempting to force a result leads to unfavorable results now.

Take an objective view of any situation and try to understand why waiting is the best option. Exercise cheerful patience in order to achieve success when the time arrives. Stay calm and stay within your normal routine. If you rush ahead, this will only worsen the situation.

Disagreement and gossip will arise and you will become entangled in a troublesome position. Look for a way out and act with care. If help comes unexpectedly, kindly accept it. This will save you from further complications.

Hexagram 6: Conflict

天水颂 Sòng
天水颂 Sòng

Formed by Trigrams Heaven over Water.

You feel you are right but face conflict. Make yourself clear at the very beginning of the relationship, for the roots of conflict lie here. Consider what you want to achieve and avoid confrontation.

Seek to compromise instead of to win. Because even if you win, you will not gain anything out of it. Your opponent has superior strength, so surrender and retreat now. You can only find lasting peace by turning back.

If you insist on conflict to the end, the victory is not worth it. Others will have no respect for you and the conflict will continue. It is easy to avoid a dispute now in order to gain a favorable outcome later.

Hexagram 7: The Army

地水师 Shī
地水师 Shī

Formed by trigrams Earth over Water.

An army runs best on strong and wise leadership. To achieve your goals, you must marshal your resources and the people around you. You have to assume leadership of this particular situation. Most importantly, you must know exactly what it is you wish to achieve. Without clear goals and strategy, you will fail.

You are strong and wise enough to overcome difficulties. Share the good and bad with your followers at the start to gain trust. A dangerous situation requires the most experienced leader to maintain discipline. Employ only the best of them or your effort will be wasted.

Hexagram 8: Holding Together

水地比 Bǐ
水地比 Bǐ

Formed by Trigrams Water over Earth.

This is a time of unity and leadership that promises success. The leadership requires wisdom, consistency, strength, and honest intentions.

Ask the I Ching again if you have the qualities necessary to be at the centre of this group. If you feel you do not possess those qualities, you should seek another group to join.

The formation of a strong relationship requires absolute sincerity. This will bring unexpected good fortune.

Convene only with those who join you of their own accord. This will lead to fuller commitment. If you have missed the opportunity to unite with the right people, you will feel deep regret.

Hexagram 9: Taming Power of the Gentle

风天小畜 Xiǎo Chù
风天小畜 Xiǎo Chù

Formed by Trigrams Wind over Heaven.

The prospect of success is signalled, but no major moves can be made now. You want to advance, but this is not in harmony with the moment. Obstacles remain in your way.

Remain patient and prepare the foundation for the changes that are on their way. Your patience will be rewarded, so do not force any issues now. Hold back, so you can avoid needless conflict. Return to a position where you are free to advance or retreat. Good fortune will follow.

Success comes from the accumulation of small effects. Be content with what you have achieved. Any further advancement will bring misfortune.

Hexagram 10: Treading Carefully

天泽履 Lǚ
天泽履 Lǚ

Formed by Trigrams Heaven over Lake.

You tread on the tail of the tiger, but it does not bite you. You are in a tricky situation that calls for care and caution. Stay with the old and tested ways, as you are dealing with powerful people. Treat them with respect to keep them on your side. Success comes if you act tactfully and patiently.

A good amount of progress is made when you advance without making demands on others. Avoid a high profile and be independent. Always keep a sharp awareness of your position. If you are aware of all the dangers around you, a successful outcome is assured.

Hexagram 11: Peace

地天泰 Tài
地天泰 Tài

Formed by Trigrams Earth over Heaven.

Tai represents the growth of peace between opposing factors. Good fortune arrives. Heaven and Earth united, brings you peace and harmony.

All things bloom and prosper. This hexagram is very auspicious as it indicates everything will go well as expected. The future looks good and business will flourish.

Success will be easy to come by. Small investments can result in big profits. Small effort will bring big rewards. Enjoy your good fortune while it lasts, all while being aware that all prosperity is followed by decline.

Do not boast of your good fortune and instead offer genuine assistance to others. By doing this, others will support your plans and the outcome will be successful.

Hexagram 12: Standstill, Stagnation

天地否 Pǐ
天地否 Pǐ

Formed by Trigrams Heaven over Earth.

It is not a good time to start a new venture. People obstruct, negative influences abound, and communications break down. Withdraw into yourself to escape further problems.

If you feel that you have the power and the authority to instigate change, you will be successful. The standstill is ready to be overcome, but it won’t end on its own. Some effort on your part is required.

This is a turning point for those who have risen to power. Exercise great caution during this period of transition. If you cannot make your influence count, withdraw to avoid humiliation.

Hexagram 13: Fellowship

天火同人 Tóng Rén
天火同人Tóng Rén

Formed by Trigrams Heaven over Fire.

Two or more people come together with open and mutual aims. The bond between them creates a new power if there is a clear direction.

Avoid being selfish towards others, for fellowship comes only through common goals. The fellowship of people will give you the combined strength and cooperation to achieve all great things in life.

Hexagram 14: Possession

火天大有Dà Yǒu
火天大有 Dà Yǒu

Formed by Trigrams Fire over Heaven.

This is a period of outstanding success, achievement, wealth, and prosperity. You are able to combine clarity of mind and inner strength to achieve your goals.

Being kind to others will reap bigger harvest. Being humble to others will draw heaven’s blessings.

Your actions are in accordance with the present moment. Everything will go your way as people trust you even when you make unexpected decisions.

Hexagram 15: Modesty

地山谦 Qiān
地山谦 Qiān

Formed by Trigrams Earth over Mountain.

Prosperity and good fortune will come if you stay humble and sincere. Do not undervalue yourself or over-promote yourself.

Your natural self will attract support and your words and actions speak for themselves. Modesty is not a weakness. Act firmly if necessary.

Stay objective and you will see the way forward even in difficult circumstances. You can ultimately achieve something good.

Hexagram 16: Enthusiasm

雷地豫 Yù
雷地豫 Yù

Formed by Trigrams Thunder over Earth.

The times are in tune with your undertakings. The confidence you display attracts supporters. Make sure your words and actions stay appropriate to their concerns in order to avoid resentment.

It also suggests a time for new ventures, change of jobs, or travelling. But one must make careful preparations in advance and proceed with caution. Good fortune can be maintained.

Hexagram 17: Following

泽雷随 Suí
泽雷随 Suí

Formed by Trigrams Lake over Thunder.

Sui means to follow, to obey, and to learn from others.

Keep an open mind and be adaptive to suite the situation by adjusting your approach. Avoid the use of force or deceit when obtaining followers.

People will follow only those whom they trust willingly. Respect other views and do not insist on your own opinion or else this will result in lost opportunities. You must make room for new things in order to succeed.

Hexagram 18: Decaying


Formed by Trigrams Mountain over Wind.

You are faced with a situation of disorder and decay. It reflects to a point where you have reached rock bottom; a time of ruin, corruption, and bankruptcy.

It may also refer to an older woman getting involved with a younger man, resulting in relationship grief and distress.

Dealing with change will be painful and met with resistance. However, if your course is corrected by casting out the old, it can bring you a new beginning. This leads you to success by reversing your fortunes.

Hexagram 19: Approaching

地泽临 Lín

Formed by Trigrams Earth over Lake.

This signifies the start of new growth and power. Opportunities arrive and success is certain. But you must make the most of it as it does not last forever. You have great influence now and must make sure you take care of those around you.

Lin means to expand, increase, and advance. The image of this hexagram is of “mother” and “daughter,” whereby the daughter is being well taken care of with guidance from the mother.

You should share your knowledge and experience generously as this will benefit everyone and bring great progress.

Hexagram 20: Observation

风地观 Guān

Formed by Trigrams Wind over Earth.

You have gained an understanding of how things really are. The work of establishing your position still remains to be done. If you act as a detached observer with a broad view, you are less likely to be misunderstood.

Guan signifies self-examination and introspection. Take this period of time to reflect upon yourself and observe the situation carefully before taking any action. Put yourselves in another’s position and you will understand and gain more.

Hexagram 21: Biting Through

火雷噬嗑 Shì Kè
火雷噬嗑 Shì Kè

Formed by Trigrams Fire over Thunder.

This hexagram often refers to a legal problem and a conflicting issue. There is a possibility that you will be entangled in a legal lawsuit with someone or experience something that is creating obstacles for you.

Be firm and remain considerate. You can reach your objective if you are able to remove or overcome obstruction.

Compromise with the conflicting parties for solutions to resolve the issues. Stay positive and determined and deal with the difficulties one by one until you have removed the problem for good.

Hexagram 22: Grace

山火贲 Bì

Formed by Trigrams Mountain over Fire.

Bi signifies grace and beauty. It refers to the rising sun: luminous at dawn but slowly fading away in the evening.

Allowing your light to shine is helpful, but it is not enough to achieve great success. Your personality is a great asset most of the time, but it is not the only thing that counts.

Inner qualities are more crucial. A true relationship is much more important.

Do not just perceive things or people at a surface level. Be cautious and avoid being cheated by others based on external appearances. Only small things can be achieved now. Major issues have to wait.

Hexagram 23: Splitting Apart

山地剥 Bō

Formed by Trigrams Mountain over Earth.

Bo represents the process of falling apart or being overthrown. Unions past their time now break apart. A cycle is coming to its end. It is beyond your control and it is not your fault. There is no advantage in taking any action.

If you are confronted by someone, the best response is to surrender and not put up a fight. You are not being a coward by being a wise man. Stay detached and wait for a new luck cycle to begin. This will change your luck for the better.

Hexagram 24: Return

地雷覆 Fù

Formed by Trigrams Earth over Thunder.

Fu means to return or restart. It the time of transition; a time for the old ways to be discarded, so a new way can come into existence.

It is also a sign of growth and a turning point. New relationships with like-minded people will be formed.

This period is strengthened by rest. Your luck will start to improve and things will get better. Put aside pride and learn from those who know more than you. Your energy will become stronger to face any new challenges ahead.

Hexagram 25: Innocence

天雷无妄Wú Wàng
天雷无妄 Wú Wàng

Formed by Trigrams Heaven over Thunder.

Wu Wang has the meaning of innocence and simplicity. Carelessness will lead to harm. You must ride the wave to make progress, but also to benefit others.

Adapt to circumstances and avoid opposing the natural laws of right and wrong. Children should listen to parents and followers should listen to their leader.

With proper action and behaviour, you will be led to success. Concentrate on the quality of your work now, not the eventual goal.

Hexagram 26: Great Power

山天大畜 Dǎ Chù
山天大畜 Dǎ Chù

Formed by Trigrams Mountain over Heaven.

Da Xu means great savings, accumulation, and abundance. It also means power, knowledge, successful, and a bright future.

You have patiently stored up great creative energy and you are ready to embark upon a major project. Marshall your resources and begin.

Move ahead without hesitation. Much can be achieved now. Great success lies just ahead generating your wealth to a great height.

Hexagram 27: Nourishing

山雷颐 Yí

Formed by Trigrams Mountain over Thunder.

Imagine a mouth chewing food, providing nourishment to the body. Good food will nourish the body, but spoiled food will bring harm.

Sickness may come due to lack of proper care of your health. The mouth gives voice to our inner thoughts, so it is necessary to be discreet in your speech as it often can be the cause of many problems.

Be careful with one’s words. In this way, you can discover who is wise and who is not. Seek out wise advice. Do not attempt a difficult task now.

Hexagram 28: Excess

雷风大过Dà Guò
雷风大过 Dà Guò

Formed by Trigrams Lake over Wind.

This is a time of transition when stress has become too great to bear. There is a serious imbalance here. Adjustments have to be made quickly but not forcefully to relieve the situation.

It implies that your ambitions surpass your capabilities; you have over-expanded your business or you are living beyond your means and are facing constant setbacks. To overcome this, you need to be brave and resolute.

Hexagram 29: Danger

Kǎn 坎为水
Kǎn 坎为水

Formed by Trigrams Water over Water.

Kan represents danger; a hazard that you must quickly escape from. Water is a very powerful force which can cause floods and people to drown.

It is a sign of bad luck with unexpected pitfalls. You are in a dreadful situation where you cannot advance or retreat. You need to have a calm mind to effectively overcome the difficulty. The danger can be surmounted with your confidence and skill.

Do not delay and do what has to be done. Water brings wealth but if it is too much, water can be a destructive force.

Hexagram 30: Brightness

Lí 离为火
Lí 离为火

Formed by Trigrams Fire over Fire.

Li implies intelligence, brightness, and beauty. The double fire signifies bright sunlight, which indicates a moment of happiness, success, and recognition.

Fire needs fuel, otherwise it will die off. But if there is too much fire, the outcome can be dangerous.

Things will go smoothly for the honest and upright person, but for those with ill intentions, failure will prevail. Serious focus is required before any action.

Hexagram 31: Attraction

泽山咸 Xián

Formed by Trigrams Lake over Mountain.

Xian means to feel and respond; feeling what you have to do with the heart. To accept a partner now brings good fortune. It is the law that compatible elements are drawn together.

It also suggests a bonding like a marriage between a couple or a merge of two companies. You attract people by being approachable, not by pushing for a connection.

Your sincerity and suitability will become obvious to them without any work on your part. Be yourself and those that belong in your life will accept you.

Hexagram 32: Endurance

雷风恒 Héng
雷风恒 Héng

Formed by Trigrams Thunder over Wind.

Heng symbolizes perseverance and consistency. Enduring success is based on keeping abreast of time and changing it without abandoning your goal. It’s based upon standing firm yet remaining flexible like a tree bending in the wind but not breaking. This applies equally to personal and professional relationships.

A blissful and enduring marriage and the active and the passive work harmoniously together leads to both progress and success.

Hexagram 33: Retreat

33.天山遯 Dùn
天山遯 Dùn

Formed by Trigrams Heaven over Mountain.

Yield to an opposing force by small adjustments is often the best way of achieving your future goal. If things are not in your favour, it is better to retreat rather than to advance.

For those in business, it is advisable to cut losses and not proceed any further. Also, it is not a good time to start new ventures or to expand. As a tactical move, retreat and conserve your energy for a new undertaking. This way, less people will suffer. Retreating is not regarded as defeat.

Hexagram 34: Great Power

雷天大壮 Dà Zhuàng
雷天大壮 Dà Zhuàng

Formed by Trigrams Thunder over Heaven.

Da Zhuang means strength and power. You have reached a position of the power and are in excellent position to get things done. Ensure that you channel this power in the right way and you exercise it both impartially and unselfishly.

Excessive force and over-confidence may be offensive to others. Stay open to advice and insist on doing what is right.

Hexagram 35: Progress

火地晋 Jìn
火地晋 Jìn

Formed by Trigrams Fire over Earth.

Jin means to advance or proceed.

It is a time of new activity and new relationships. It’s also a new day and beginning of action. The prospects for the future are very bright. You will achieve a high level of success in business and your career.

For this good fortune to continue, one must possess behaviour that is uncorrupted, for even the greatest fortune can dissipate immediately by negative motivations.

Hexagram 36: Darkness

地火明夷 Míng Yí
地火明夷 Míng Yí

Formed by Trigrams Earth over Fire.

Ming Yi depicts the extinguishing of light. The sun has descended below the horizon and now there’s darkness. There is evil and danger everywhere.

Do not engage in conflict as this will lead to loss. Conceal your abilities for now and be patient for the impending renewal. The time will come and you will emerge into broad daylight once again.

Hexagram 37: Family

风火家人 Jiā Rén
风火家人 Jiā Rén

Formed by Trigrams Wind over Fire.

Relationships depend on the understanding of different qualities of those involved and the recognition of their complimentary roles.

This hexagram exhibits the function of husband and wife—both adhering to their roles and performing their duties by following a set pattern and rules.

Great respect is shown to those whom are familiar with creating a strong foundation. Remember that words without matching deeds have no effect.

Hexagram 38: Opposition

火泽暌 Kuí
火泽暌 Kuí

Formed by Trigrams Fire over Lake.

Opposition to your plans arises within your group. Be aware that opposing views can be useful. Forcing the matter brings further opposition, but agreement is possible.

Fire burns upward and water from the lake flows downward. The theme is conflicts, contradictions, and oppositions.

It also means that although two daughters live together, they can be different in their character and views which can result in disagreement. Misunderstanding can be solved through rational thinking and wisdom.

Hexagram 39: Obstruction

水山蹇 Jiǎn
水山蹇 Jiǎn

Formed by Trigrams Water over Mountain.

Jian is one of the dangerous hexagrams with the image of a destructive waterfall. Kan represents Water and Gen represents Mountain. This indicates danger, obstruction, and uncertainty. It also implies that many obstacles are blocking your path right now and there’s no way out.

In divination, it means that moving either forward or backward is a challenge. At this time, it would be wise to look for someone who can assist you. This period of hardship must be faced with caution.

Hexagram 40: Releasing

雷水解 Jiě
雷水解 Jiě

Formed by Trigrams Thunder over Water.

Jie means removal of obstacles, difficulty, and burdens. A period of tension and complication is over. Progress has been blocked but the conditions now favour progression in your projects.

However, any unresolved issue needs to be addressed, for that’s the only true way that progress can be made. It is time to settle any existing conflicts and disputes.

If changes are required, do not hesitate to move quickly. The period of hardship is finally over now.

Hexagram 41: Decrease

山泽损 Sǔn
山泽损 Sǔn

Formed by Trigrams Mountain over Lake.

Sun means decreasing, suggesting financial loss, or experiencing a setback in business. This oracle is here to help you plan ahead by giving you warning in advance: A rough time lies ahead.

A temporary setback makes you into a stronger and better person. Gradually, this opposing tide will turn back and success will slowly come your way. If you have to take a lesser role now, so be it. This difficult time will pass. From this point forward, the only way is up.

Hexagram 42: Increase

风雷益 Yì
风雷益 Yì

Formed by Trigrams Wind over Thunder.

Yi represents addition or increase. This is a good time to undertake new works. One has to be familiar with the wisdom of giving in order to benefit others.

Your luck will improve if your success prompts a sense of generosity towards others. Imitate good practices and correct the bad ones.

In business, it’s a time for expansion. This period does not last forever, so make the most of it.

Hexagram 43: Breakthrough

泽雷夬 Guài
泽雷夬 Guài

Formed by Trigrams Lake over Heaven.

Guai represents the way of dealing with those people who do wrong. This hexagram describes a situation when suppressed anger and frustration finally break out. Since confrontation is unavoidable, we have to decide how to deal with the situation before it reaches its tipping point.

In human affairs, one should not use excessive force. You also shouldn’t allow anger to take centre stage. Use reason and good will to secure your progress.

Hexagram 44: Coming to Meet

天风姤 Gòu
天风姤 Gòu

Formed by Trigrams Heaven over Wind.

Guo means an unexpected encounter or a casual meeting. An apparent harmless element comes forward. However, it is stronger than it seems. Danger presents itself if you allow this element to have power over you.

This Hexagram indicates a situation whereby a single lady is surrounded by many suitors. It can also indicate a woman who appears to be gentle, weak, and harmless at the surface, but ends up possessing a lot of power.

For divination, it may be applied to both genders. Yin to Yang or Yang to Yin. Those who desire and fall for his or her charms could encounter heartbreak. Maintain your integrity and do not allow yourself to be seduced by such influences.

Hexagram 45: Gather together

泽地萃 Cuì
泽地萃 Cuì

Formed by Trigrams Lake over Earth.

Cui means to assemble, gather, and come together. People gather and rejoice with delight. The advantage is you must come through firm corrections. They communicate and respond sincerely to each other with their heart.

It is time to form strong bonds by sharing a common vision with a common goal. Great strength is achieved when people are united with a single purpose.

A firm leader is needed to guide this increased power to unite factions. Good fortune is indicated, but always prepare for the unforeseen.

Those who have ulterior motives shall never last long in the group. As a leader, you gain support not from your position, but from your commitment to the group.

Hexagram 46: Pushing Forward

地风升 Shēng
地风升 Shēng

Formed by Trigrams Earth over Wind.

Sheng means advancement and moving upward. When you plant your seeds, the tree will start to push to break out from the earth, gradually growing into tall tree.

This indicates that you need to be patient and slowly, this will lead to fulfilment. Progress any further and it will be fruitless. When attempting to ascend further, it is beneficial to guard against over-confidence. You will eventually push upward from below to supreme success. Your relationships are beneficial and those who are above you will assist you.

Hexagram 47: Exhaustion

泽水困 Kùn
泽水困 Kùn

Formed by Trigrams Lake over Water.

Kun means being trapped, difficulty, distress, and suffering. This hexagram shows the lake draining dry of water; an image of exhaustion. It indicates that there are obstacles everywhere and progress is not possible.

One is trapped in a dangerous situation. Your energy is weak and your words will be wasted. There is obstruction and corruption. No one trusts each other due to the fear of being betrayed.

Proceed with extreme caution or retreat and wait for your luck to change for the better. You are encountering difficulties, but some opportunities may still exist.

Hexagram 48: The Well

水风井 Jǐng
水风井 Jǐng

Formed by Trigrams Water over Wind.

You have everything you need within you already. No matter what the situation is, you can achieve anything. But you need to pursue this course of action and dig much deeper to find out more in order to get things done. If you proceed carelessly, you will experience difficulties.

Jing is a well that stores water. If the well is clean and well maintained, the water that you draw from it will be nourishing. But if it is dirty and neglected, the water will bring illness. The value of it depends on how well you maintain a constant supply of clean water.

Hexagram 49: Revolution

泽火革 Gé
泽火革 Gé

Formed by Trigrams Lake over Fire.

Ge means to reform, change, or transform. Water and Fire in nature act against each other. It can be compared to two sisters of total different characters and ambitions that stay together even in disagreement.

It describes a group of people having different opinions. The conflict can be resolved in a new situation with drastic change. This requires the right leader and right timing, and must be carried out in the right way for success.

Be free of selfish aims and discuss the issues. This will win the group over. Great progress and supreme success will arise from the change.

Hexagram 50: The Cauldron

火风鼎 Dǐng
火风鼎 Dǐng

Formed by Trigrams Fire over Wind.

You have the opportunity to shine. Your abilities and your inner strength come to light. Be yourself and favourable results will flow. Be aware that the mystery of the universe is hidden within everyday experiences.

Ding is the symbol of the Cauldron, which dispenses spiritual wisdom and knowledge. The image is a boiling pot and wood fuel below with Fire on top.

In ancient times, it was used for a loyal feast to offer to heaven and ancestors. It was then shared by loyal warriors and talent officers as a token of respect from their emperor.

There’s a need to follow the right path so that perfection can be achieved. Supreme success is indicated.

Hexagram 51: Shock

Zhèn 震为雷
Zhèn 震为雷

Formed by Trigrams Thunder over Thunder.

Zhen is the image of two thunder creating shock and fear. It implies natural disaster, loss of wealth, conflicts, and violent acts. A sudden unexpected shock may come into your life. It causes people to shiver in fear and take a stand.

Do not panic and use this moment to revitalize your situation. It is an opportunity to see what is no longer sustainable in your life. Do a deep self-cleansing and clear the way for a better future.

Hexagram 52: Standstill

Gěn 艮为山
Gěn 艮为山

Formed by Trigrams Mountain over Mountain.

Both the upper and lower trigram represents the Mountain. It implies that your path is being blocked and obstructed by a mountain, which is hindering your progress.

It is time to stop, rest, and be calm. There is no point in taking any action as the time is not right for movement. Forget about the past and don’t fret about the future. You need to focus and be on guard. Otherwise, it will lead to misfortune.

Hexagram 53: Gradual Progress

风山渐 Jiàn
风山渐 Jiàn

Formed by Trigrams Wind over Mountain.

Jian means gradual advancement or progress. This hexagram is a picture of tress growing on a mountain. In order to withstand its exposure to the elements, the tree must remain strong and firmly rooted. Such stability can only be achieved through slow and steady progress.

Hasty action is unwise. Resist the impulse to force issues. It is important to be patient and move forward one step at a time. Also establish good relations along the way and that will lead you to success.

Hexagram 54: Marrying Maiden

雷泽归妹 Guī Mèi
雷泽归妹 Guī Mèi

Formed by Trigrams Thunder over Lake.

This hexagram depicts a young concubine being brought into a traditional household where her fate is uncertain. She finds herself in a subordinate role and somewhat taken for granted because her rank is well beneath that of a principled wife.

One has to prepare at all times and to accept the new fate with a subdued mind. Do your best to adapt to new surroundings and dispel any unrealistic dreams.

Your success is entirely dependent upon how you conduct yourself. Recognize that any assertiveness on your part will be unsuccessful and may even bring misfortune.

Hexagram 55: Abundance

雷火丰 Fēng
雷火丰 Fēng

Formed by Trigrams Thunder over Fire.

Feng represents supreme achievement, prosperity, and abundance. Share your abundance with others as they will be uplifted by your personality. This cannot last forever, but enjoy the moment rather than be anxious about the future.

Any problems in your life can be settled now, but beware: Everything declines after reaching the prosperity peak. Therefore it is necessary to guard against being over-confident. Success comes fast, but it can also vanish quickly.

Hexagram 56: The Wanderer

火山旅 Lǚ
火山旅 Lǚ

Formed by Trigrams Fire over Mountain.

Lu signifies travelling. You are in a new territory dealing with the unknown. A traveller who left home and lives as a stranger in an unfamiliar place, trying to adapt to the new environment, the language, and the customs of the locals.

With no circle of protective friends, you have to stay watchful, ready to defend yourself against humiliation. You must also remain reserved in order to achieve any progress.

Avoid drawn out conflicts and resolve them quickly. In an unfamiliar situation, you must be confident to play the role of a humble learner and observer.

Hexagram 57: Gentle Wind

Xùn 巽为风
Xùn 巽为风

Formed by Trigrams Wind over Wind.

Double layer of wind means gentle and penetrating. From the gentleness of wind, one must learn how to give and take. From the force of the wind, one can learn how to balance and control oneself. It is an energy which acts by invisible ways yet achieves visible results.

In nature, it is the wind that disperses the gathered clouds, leaving the sky clear. It is suggestive of news travelling far and wide.

To get things done, you have to follow the right orders. Your ultimate goal must be clear in your mind before your start. It will take time, but you can achieve enduring results.

Hexagram 58: The Joyous

Duì 兑为泽
Duì 兑为泽

Formed by Trigrams Lake over Lake.

Dui symbolizes joy, pleasure, and satisfaction. Joy comes from within while pleasure comes from the outside world. Carried to extremes, it can cause your harm. The time is favourable for your undertaking. Your good mood and perseverance is infectious and attracts others.

Dui also represents a young girl bringing joy and happiness to the household. It is also associated with speech. One has to speak with wisdom, share their goodwill and good humour, and not gossip or criticize.

Hexagram 59: Dispersion

风水涣 Huàn
风水涣 Huàn

Formed by Trigrams Wind Over Water.

Huan represents dispersion or dissipation. It has the image of wind and water. These two forces are not mutually integrated. A stirring dissolves obstacles in your path.

Misunderstanding can now be resolved. Your personal strength and rapport with others enable you to dissolve conflict quickly.

Working with others is beneficial. It indicates that progress and success will be attained by remaining true to what is right and good.

Hexagram 60: Limitation

水泽节 Jié
水泽节 Jié

Formed by Trigrams Water over Lake.

Jie represents restriction, control, or restraint. The image is of destruction created by a flooded river. When too much rain is received, the lake will overflow. If there is insufficient rain, the lake will dry up.

Therefore, this is a hexagram that stresses the need to live within your limits. Jie addresses proper control and self-restraint to be properly executed in order to benefit all parties. Set your limits and live a balanced life.

Hexagram 61: Faithfulness

风泽中孚 Zhōng Fú
风泽中孚 Zhōng Fú

Formed by Trigrams Wind over Lake.

This hexagram depicts that you have a sincere and true friend; someone whom you can be trust and depend on. It addresses the relationship of a superior treating his subordinates with truth and sincerity.

If your heart is free from prejudice, you are certain to succeed in whatever you do. Good fortune lies ahead. However, if your inner mind harbours bad intentions, beware of the consequences which are revealed through your own discretions.

Understand the basic truth of the matter and do not rush to judgement when dealing with other people’s mistakes or shortcomings. Without sincerity, friendship will not last.

Hexagram 62: Minor Error

雷山小过 Xiǎo Guò
雷山小过 Xiǎo Guò

Formed by Trigrams Thunder over Mountain.

Xiao Guo is the image of a bird with its wings about to fly up. However, it is not the right time to begin. It is wise to fly down to the mountain to the safety of the nest.

For business, it implies that it’s not a good time to push forward for expansion or to start a new venture. Aiming too high yields no reward.

Stick to your daily routine, tend to details, and avoid risks. Keep a low profile and concentrate on small challenges. By doing so, your shortcomings will be viewed as small mistakes that can be easily forgiven.

Hexagram 63: After Completion

水火既济 Jì Jì
水火既济 Jì Jì

Formed by Trigrams Water over Fire.

Ji Ji represents completion and successful accomplishment. All the Yin and Yang lines are at their proper placement. This suggests success and fame.

Keep a close eye on details. Stay tuned to any possible problems arising and take nothing for granted as you consolidate your gains.

Life has reached a stage when all things seem too perfect. It warns us to take precaution for when fortune reaches its peak, signs of decline will appear.

Hexagram 64: Before Completion

火水未济 Wèi Jì
火水未济 Wèi Jì

Formed by Trigrams Fire over Water.

Wei Ji represents a time when order has become disorder. The Yin and the Yang lines are not at their proper position. It means both Water and Fire cannot work together.

Your groundwork is not yet finished and rushing to completion now is dangerous. Take extreme care by taking things one step at a time. Being impulsive and careless in conducting affairs will result in failure. With caution, progress and success arrives. Recognition also comes your way.